API Reference

Create Listings

Lets assume you have 2 listings that need to be set up:

codenameairbnb idbooking.com idComment
A1Central London Flat 1123992188821Some comment
A2South London Flat918222188111

You can use our API to post new listings (via POST:/v2/listings). Listings should declare the connect field with references to the respective airbnb listing ids, booking.com hotel ids or any other property ids. For the CSV above, the payloads would look like this:

    "name": "Central London Flat 1",
    "code": "A1",
    "connect": ["1239921", "88821"],
    "metadata": { "comment": "Some comment" }
    "name": "South London Flat",
    "code": "A2",
    "connect": ["9182221", "88111"]