API Reference

Connect Airbnb


Request: POST /connections?appId=airbnb


Use appropriate locale (e.g. "fr" / "de" / ...)

  "email": "joe@doe.com",
  "password": "password123",
  "locale": "gb"

Possible Responses

  • Response A (Captcha challenge)
  • Response B (PinCode challenge)
  • Response C (Success)
  • Response { type: "issue", code: "INVALID_CREDENTIALS" } => wrong email/password

Response A (Captcha challenge):

  "type": "issue",
  "message": "Please solve the provided captcha.",
  "code": 'CAPTCHA_FLOW',
  "state": {
    "sessionKey": "b32cfff7-75c6-4e36-b7ec-0ee9cb2c62c1",
    "expiresIn": 259200
  "action": {
    "link": "https://www.airbnb.com/airlock?al_id=-6075732846789269"


  • Retry connecting, we will likely able to succeed on a second try
  • Manually open the captcha with the link provided in action.link and solve the captcha
  • Wait a few hours and try again

Response B (PinCode challenge):

  "type": "issue",
  "message": "Please enter security code sent to your email address",
  "state": {
    "sessionKey": "02721e9e-7cbd-41a5-a9e3-78dea2ad588c",
    "expiresIn": 259200
  "action": {
    "type": "form",
    "fields": {
      "pinCode": {
        "type": "text",
        "label": "PIN"


  • Submit pincode verification

POST /connections?appId=airbnb&sessionKey=f3a8dd3b-aa94-4772-840c-38e009e3ad20"

  "pinCode": "your-pin-code"

Possible Responses

  • Response C (Success)
  • Response { type: "issue", code: "INVALID_CODE" }

Response C (Success):

  "id": "f3a8dd3b-aa94-4772-840c-38e009e3ad20"


  • None, the connection with id f3a... should be visible in the dashboard.